
Rudiana 9'
Rudiana 12'
Rudiana 14' pen
Dede Richo Apriadi 15'
Rudiana 16'
Moch Fallah Vikri Perbangsa 19'
Jajat Sudrajat 19'
Rudiana 21'
Mochamad Lathief Septiana 26'
Mochamad Lathief Septiana 28'

8 - 1

8 - 1

Asep Bubun Budiman 13'
Ahmad Nurzaman 13'
Redi Rustandi 16'
(assist: Marwan Gunawan)

1st Half

1 '   Redi Rustandi got in a strike but the shot missed the target  

1 '   Ridwan Aprilliawan gets in a strike but the shot is blocked by a defender  

1 '   Marwan Gunawan got in a strike with a shot on target  

2 '   Dede Richo Apriadi gets in a strike but the shot is blocked by a defender  

3 '   Marwan Gunawan got in a strike with a shot on target  

3 '   Dede Richo Apriadi got in a strike but the shot missed the target  

4 '   Asep Bubun Budiman got in a strike with a shot on target  

7 '   Rudiana got in a strike but the shot missed the target  

7 '   Rudiana got in a strike with a shot on target  

1 - 0

8 '   Rudiana scored for JCI CHAPTER BANDUNG  

8 '   Rudiana got in a strike with a shot on target  

9 '   Marwan Gunawan got in a strike with a shot on target  

9 '   Rudiana got in a strike with a shot on target  

11 '   Ridwan Aprilliawan got in a strike but the shot missed the target  

12 '   Dede Richo Apriadi got in a strike but the shot missed the target  

13 '   yellow card for Asep Bubun Budiman  

2 - 0

13 '   Rudiana scored a penalty for JCI CHAPTER BANDUNG  

16 '   Rudiana got in a strike but the shot missed the target  

18 '   Candra Cahyana got in a strike but the shot missed the target  

2nd Half

10 '   Rudiana got in a strike but the shot missed the target  

3 - 0

11 '   Rudiana scored for JCI CHAPTER BANDUNG  

11 '   Rudiana got in a strike with a shot on target  

13 '   red card for Ahmad Nurzaman  

4 - 0

14 '   Dede Richo Apriadi scored for JCI CHAPTER BANDUNG  

14 '   Dede Richo Apriadi got in a strike with a shot on target  

15 '   Rudiana got in a strike with a shot on target  

5 - 0

15 '   Rudiana scored for JCI CHAPTER BANDUNG  

15 '   Redi Rustandi got in a strike with a shot on target  

5 - 1

15 '   Redi Rustandi scored for ROMA CLUB GARUT  

15 '   Marwan Gunawan assist  

15 '   Marwan Gunawan created a chance  

16 '   Mochamad Lathief Septiana got in a strike but the shot missed the target  

16 '   Kiki Baehaqi got in a strike with a shot on target  

16 '   Muhammad Firmansyah Aliga got in a strike but the shot missed the target  

17 '   Jajat Sudrajat got in a strike with a shot on target  

17 '   Moch Fallah Vikri Perbangsa got in a strike but the shot missed the target  

17 '   Redi Rustandi got in a strike with a shot on target  

6 - 1

18 '   Moch Fallah Vikri Perbangsa scored for JCI CHAPTER BANDUNG  

18 '   Moch Fallah Vikri Perbangsa got in a strike with a shot on target  

19 '   yellow card for Jajat Sudrajat  

20 '   Dede Richo Apriadi got in a strike but the shot missed the target  

7 - 1

20 '   Rudiana scored for JCI CHAPTER BANDUNG  

20 '   Rudiana got in a strike with a shot on target  

21 '   Moch Fallah Vikri Perbangsa got in a strike with a shot on target  

22 '   Lukmanul Hakim got in a strike with a shot on target  

23 '   Kiki Baehaqi got in a strike with a shot on target  

8 - 1

25 '   Mochamad Lathief Septiana scored for JCI CHAPTER BANDUNG  

25 '   Jajat Sudrajat got in a strike with a shot on target  

25 '   Sehabudin got in a strike with a shot on target  

28 '   yellow card for Mochamad Lathief Septiana  

28 '   Kiki Baehaqi got in a strike with a shot on target  

28 '   Kiki Baehaqi got in a strike with a shot on target  

30 '   Dede Richo Apriadi got in a strike with a shot on target