
Daffa Raissa Nabil S 2'
Fayadh Raziq Riadi 7'
Dika Ramdani 10'
Muhamad Refli Ripaldi 10'
Muhamad Refli Ripaldi 11'
Angga 17'
Mochamad Febri Ariansah 22'
Angga 27'
Daffa Raissa Nabil S 28'
Nanda Maulana Syarif H 31'
Raditya Ilham Yuwono 32'
Muhamad Refli Ripaldi 33'
Mochamad Ferdiansyah 34' og
Muhamad Refli Ripaldi 36'
Muhammad Dafa Nugraha 37'
Muhamad Refli Ripaldi 37'
Mochamad Febri Ariansah 37'
Angga 40+1'

17 - 2

17 - 2

Muhammad Nazriel Latief 10'
Denis Permana 40'

1st Half
1 - 0

1 '   Daffa Raissa Nabil S scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

1 '   Daffa Raissa Nabil S got in a strike with a shot on target  

2 - 0

6 '   fayadh raziq riadi scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

6 '   Wildan Rafif Saputra got in a strike with a shot on target  

9 '   Muhammad Nazriel Latief got in a strike with a shot on target  

2 - 1

9 '   Muhammad Nazriel Latief scored for RAJ FA U16  

3 - 1

9 '   Muhamad Refli Ripaldi scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

9 '   Muhamad Refli Ripaldi got in a strike with a shot on target  

9 '   Dika Ramdani got in a strike with a shot on target  

4 - 1

9 '   Dika Ramdani scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

10 '   Muhamad Refli Ripaldi got in a strike with a shot on target  

5 - 1

10 '   Muhamad Refli Ripaldi scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

16 '   Angga got in a strike with a shot on target  

6 - 1

16 '   Angga scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

2nd Half
7 - 1

21 '   Mochamad Febri Ariansah scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

21 '   Mochamad Febri Ariansah got in a strike with a shot on target  

26 '   Angga got in a strike with a shot on target  

8 - 1

26 '   Angga scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

9 - 1

27 '   Daffa Raissa Nabil S scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

27 '   Daffa Raissa Nabil S got in a strike with a shot on target  

30 '   Nanda Maulana Syarif H got in a strike with a shot on target  

10 - 1

30 '   Nanda Maulana Syarif H scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

31 '   Raditya Ilham Yuwono got in a strike with a shot on target  

11 - 1

31 '   Raditya Ilham Yuwono scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

12 - 1

32 '   Muhamad Refli Ripaldi scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

32 '   Muhamad Refli Ripaldi got in a strike with a shot on target  

13 - 1

33 '   Mochamad Ferdiansyah scored an own goal  

14 - 1

35 '   Muhamad Refli Ripaldi scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

35 '   Muhamad Refli Ripaldi got in a strike with a shot on target  

36 '   Muhamad Refli Ripaldi got in a strike with a shot on target  

15 - 1

36 '   Muhamad Refli Ripaldi scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

36 '   Muhammad Dafa Nugraha got in a strike with a shot on target  

16 - 1

36 '   Muhammad Dafa Nugraha scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

37 '   yellow card for Mochamad Febri Ariansah  

16 - 2

39 '   Denis Permana scored for RAJ FA U16  

39 '   Denis Permana got in a strike with a shot on target  

17 - 2

40 '   Angga scored for Akademi Futsal Soka U16  

40 '   Angga got in a strike with a shot on target